- [图书] International yearbook communication design 2006/2007Red Dot Award
- 作者:Peter Zec.
- 出版社:Red Dot ;/Springer [distributor]
- 出版日期:2006
- ISBN:978-3-89939081--0
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- [图书] International yearbook communication design 2006/2007
- 作者:Peter Zec.
- 出版社:Red Dot ;/Springer [distributor]
- 出版日期:2006
- ISBN:978-3-89939081--0
- 内容简介:A documentation of the annual prize for Communication Design awarded by the Design Zentrum...
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- 作者:edited by/ a cura di Ministero della grafica.
- 出版社:De Agostini
- 出版日期:2008
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- 作者:David Cohen & Scott Anderson.
- 出版社:Bloomsbury Visual Arts,
- 出版日期:[2020]
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- 出版日期:2022
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- 出版社:The Pepin Press
- 出版日期:2012
- ISBN:978-90-5768-163-9
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- [图书] Versatile Graphic Design. Vol.01
- 作者:Choi’s Gallery.
- 出版社:Choi’s Gallery
- 出版日期:2012
- ISBN:978-1-61175013--3
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- [图书] Versatile Graphic Design. Vol.02
- 作者:Choi’s Gallery.
- 出版社:Choi’s Gallery
- 出版日期:2012
- ISBN:978-1-61175030--0
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- [图书] Dragon Ball
- 出版社:Viz Media, Subs. Of Shogakukan Inc
- 出版日期:2007
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- [图书] Graphical methods in research /
- 作者:[by] A.S. Levens.
- 出版社:J. Wiley,
- 出版日期:[1965]
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