- [图书] The chickenshit club why the Justice Department fails to prosecute executives
- 作者:Jesse Eisinger
- 出版社:Simon & Schuster Paperbacks
- 出版日期:2018
- ISBN:9781501121371
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- [图书] Analysis for financial management
- 作者:Robert C. Higgins
- 出版社:McGraw-Hill Irwin
- 出版日期:c2007
- ISBN:0-07-325858-X
- 丛书名:The McGraw-Hill / Irwin series in finance, insurance, and real estate
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- [图书] The financing of business enterprises /
- 作者:by Avard Longley Bishop.
- 出版社:Harper & brothers,
- 出版日期:1929.
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- [图书] Confronting crime an American challenge
- 作者:Elliott Currie
- 出版社:Pantheon Books
- 出版日期:c1985
- ISBN:0-394-74636-8
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- [图书] The Chemical Reaction = 化学反应
- 出版社:Oneworld Publications
- 出版日期:2021
- ISBN:9781786079305
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- [图书] Clue in the Crumbling Wall = (机)破壁中的线索
- 出版社:Grosset
- 出版日期:2000
- ISBN:9780448095226
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- [图书] Secret of the Forgotten City = (机)被遗忘城市的秘密
- 出版社:G P Putnam's Sons
- 出版日期:2002
- ISBN:9780448095523
- 所属馆:
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- [图书] Strange Message in the Parchment = (机)羊皮纸上的奇怪信息
- 出版社:Grosset
- 出版日期:2002
- ISBN:9780448095547
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- [图书] Double Jinx Mystery = (机)双重厄运之谜
- 出版社:Grosset
- 出版日期:2000
- ISBN:9780448095509
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- [图书] Crooked Banister = (机)弯曲的栏杆
- 出版社:Grosset
- 出版日期:2000
- ISBN:9780448095486
- 所属馆:
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- [图书] Secret of Red Gate Farm = (机)红门农场的秘密
- 出版社:Grosset
- 出版日期:2000
- ISBN:9780448095066
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- [图书] The Khan = 可汗
- 出版社:Oneworld Publications
- 出版日期:2021
- ISBN:9780861540877
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- [图书] Secret of Shadow Ranch = (机)影子牧场的秘密
- 出版社:Grosset
- 出版日期:2000
- ISBN:9780448095059
- 所属馆:
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- [图书] Password to Larkspur Lane = (机)Larkspur Lane的密码
- 出版社:Grosset
- 出版日期:2000
- ISBN:9780448095103
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- [图书] Secret in the Old Attic = (机)旧阁楼的秘密
- 出版社:Grosset
- 出版日期:2000
- ISBN:9780448095219
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