- [图书] 苏俄陆军1941-2017下
- 作者:(1974- )杨坚编著
- 出版社:上海社会科学院出版社
- 出版日期:2017
- ISBN:978-7-5520-2121-9
- 内容简介:本书着眼于系统整理相关的资料,按不同历史时期、不同部队加以分类,力求全面、深入浅出地介绍苏俄军队历史最悠久的军种——陆军部队在卫国战争后的发展历程。为了全面了解各部队的历史,还将“...
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- [图书] Thermodynamics of nuclear materials 1974 :
- 作者:held by the International Atomic Energy Agency at Vienna, 21-25 October 1974.
- 出版社:International Atomic Energy Agency ;/distributed in the U.S. by Unipub],
- 出版日期:1975-
- ISBN:9-200-40075-2
- 所属馆:
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- [图书] Quaternary environments :
- 作者:first York University Symposium on Quaternary Research, 1974 ; W. C. Mahaney, editor.
- 出版社:Dept. of Geography, Atkinson College, York University,
- 出版日期:1974.
- ISBN:091960417X
- 所属馆:
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- [图书] Nuclear techniques in geochemistry and geophysics :
- 作者:organized by the International Atomic Energy Agency and held in Vienna, 25-29 Nov. 1974.
- 出版社:International Atomic Energy Agency,
- 出版日期:1976.
- ISBN:9200410766
- 所属馆:
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- [图书] Tumour localization with radioactive agents :
- 作者:organized by the International Atomic Energy Agency and held in Vienna, 9-13 Dec. 1974.
- 出版社:International Atomic Energy Agency,
- 出版日期:1976.
- ISBN:9201112769 :
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- [图书] Cyclic nucleotides in disease :
- 作者:sponsored by the Medical College of Pennsylvania and the Physiological Society of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, 4-5 April 1974] ; edited by Benjamin Weiss.
- 出版社:University Park Press,
- 出版日期:[1975]
- ISBN:083910765X
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- [图书] Creep and fatigue in elevated temperature applications :
- 作者:sponsored by the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, American Society for Testing Materials, Philadelphia, 23-27 September 1973, Sheffield, 1-5 April 1974.
- 出版社:Mechanical Engineering Publications for the Institution of Mechanical Engineers,
- 出版日期:1975.
- ISBN:0852983042
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- [图书] Origin and fate of chemical residues in food, agriculture, and fisheries :
- 作者:organized by the Joint FAO/IAEA Division of Atomic Energy in Food and Agriculture held in Vienna, 5-9 November 1973 and 4-7 June 1974.
- 出版社:International Atomic Energy Agency ;/for sale by UNIPUB,
- 出版日期:1975.
- ISBN:9201113757 :
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- [图书] New directions in signal processing in communication and control :
- 作者:of the NATO Advanced Study Institute held in Darlington, UK, August 5-17, 1974] ; ed. by J. K. Skwirzynski.
- 出版社:Noordhoff International Publ.,
- 出版日期:1975.
- ISBN:9028600752 :
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- [图书] Properties of reactor structural alloys after neutron or particle irradiation. A symposium, spons = Properties of reactor structural alloys after neutron or particle irradiation
- 作者:By ASTM Committee E-10 on Nuclear Applications and Measurement of Radiation, American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, Gatlinburg, Tenn., 11-13 June 1974
- 出版社:ASTM
- 出版日期:1975
- 所属馆:
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- [图书] Environmental effects of cooling systems at nuclear power plants :
- 作者:organized by the International Atomic Energy Agency with the co-operation of the secretariat of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe and held in Oslo, 26-30 August 1974.
- 出版社:The Agency;/sold by UniPub],
- 出版日期:1975.
- ISBN:9-200-20075-3
- 所属馆:
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- [图书] High-level radioactive waste management :
- 作者:sponsored by the Division of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology at the 167th meeting of the American Chemical Society, Los Angeles, Calif., April 1-2, 1974 ; Milton H. Campbell, editor.
- 出版社:The Society,
- 出版日期:1976.
- ISBN:0841202702
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- [图书] Information processing 74 :
- 作者:organized by the International Federation for Information Processing, Stockholm, Sweden, August 5-10, 1974 ; editor, Jack L. Rosenfeld ; programme committee, H. Freeman [and others].
- 出版社:North-Holland ;/American Elsevier,
- 出版日期:1974.
- ISBN:0720428033
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- [图书] 阿飞鼠的开心事
- 作者:贾林芳著
- 出版社:江苏少年儿童出版社
- 出版日期:2008
- ISBN:978-7-5346-4189-3
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