- [图书] Good spy the life and death of Robert Ames
- 作者:Kai Baird
- 出版社:Broadway Books
- 出版日期:2014
- ISBN:9780307889768
- 所属馆:
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- [图书] Combined textbook of obstetrics and gyn?cology for students and practitioners /
- 作者:edited by Dugald Baird.
- 出版社:Livingstone,
- 出版日期:1957.
- ISBN:044300045X
- 所属馆:
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- [图书] National Geographic Readers: WEATHER (LEVEL 1) 美国国家地理读本:天气
- 出版社:National Geographic Children's Books
- 出版日期:2015
- ISBN:9781426313486
- 丛书名:National Geographic Readers - NONFICTION
- 所属馆:
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- [图书] The physics of engineering solids
- 作者:[by] T. S. Hutchison and D. C. Baird.
- 出版社:Wiley
- 出版日期:[1963]
- 所属馆:
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- [图书] Coral reefs
- 作者:Kristin Baird Rattini.
- 出版社:National Geographic,
- 出版日期:[2015]
- ISBN:9781426321139 (paperback : alk. paper)
- 所属馆:
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- [图书] Everyday ethics :
- 作者:Catharyn A. Baird.
- 出版社:EthicsGamePress, Publishers,
- 出版日期:2012.
- ISBN:9780983110606 (pbk.) :
- 所属馆:
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- [图书] Industrial plastics :
- 作者:by Ronald J. Baird.
- 出版社:Goodheart-Willcox Co.,
- 出版日期:[1971]
- ISBN:0870061194
- 所属馆:
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- [图书] Red is best
- 作者:Kathy Stinson ; illstrated by Robin Baird Lewis.
- 出版社:Annick Press,
- 出版日期:[2006]
- ISBN:9781554510528
- 所属馆:
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- [图书] Planet Earth collection :
- 出版社:National Geographic Society,
- 出版日期:2009.
- ISBN:9781426318139
- 所属馆:
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- [图书] The physiology of human pregnancy /
- 作者:Frank E. Hytten and Isabella Leitch ; with a foreword by Sir Dugald Baird.
- 出版社:Blackwell Scientific Publications Ltd.,
- 出版日期:1964.
- ISBN:0632070005
- 所属馆:
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- [图书] Séminaire sur la prévention des lésions cérébrales antenatales et périnatles :
- 作者:compte-rendu d'un séminaire organise par le Centre International de l'Enfance, Paris, Mai 1961 ; presidents: Dugald Baird, Stephane Thieffry ; documents collected by J. Fabia.
- 出版社:Karger,
- 出版日期:1963.
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