- [图书] The chemistry of plant gums and mucilages and some related polysaccharides /
- 作者:[by] F. Smith [and] R. Montgomery.
- 出版社:Reinhold Pub. Corp.,
- 出版日期:[1959]
- 所属馆:
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- [图书] Billy Twitters and his blue whale probelm
- 作者:Adam Rex
- 出版社:Disney·Hyperion Books
- 出版日期:2009
- ISBN:978-078684958-1
- 所属馆:
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- [图书] Goodnight goon a petrifying parody
- 作者:Michael Rex
- 出版社:G.P. Putnam's Sons
- 出版日期:c2008
- ISBN:978-0-399-24534-3
- 内容简介:A young monster says goodnight to all of the other monsters in his bedroom
- 所属馆:
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- [图书] 当年相恋意中人 港产片回忆
- 作者:Rex Koo绘著
- 出版社:非凡出版
- 出版日期:2016
- ISBN:978-988-8420-34-6
- 所属馆:
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- [图书] The chemistry and physics of clays and other ceramic materials /
- 作者:by Alfred B. Searle and Rex W. Grimshaw.
- 出版社:Ernest Benn,
- 出版日期:1959.
- 所属馆:
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- [图书] The goose woman :
- 作者:by Rex Beach
- 出版社:Hodder and stoughton,
- 出版日期:1925
- 所属馆:
- 获取途径:
- [图书] The reader's digest of books /
- 作者:by Helen Rex Keller.
- 出版社:Macmillan Company,
- 出版日期:1929.
- 所属馆:
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- [图书] Power diode and thyristor circuits /
- 作者:[by] Rex M. Davis.
- 出版社:Cambridge University Press,
- 出版日期:1971.
- ISBN:052108136X
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- [图书] Climate of the free atmosphere /
- 作者:edited by D. F. Rex.
- 出版社:Elsevier Pub. Co.,
- 出版日期:1969.
- ISBN:0444407030
- 所属馆:
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- [图书] On account of the gum
- 作者:written and illustrated by Adam Rex.
- 出版社:Chronicle Books LLC,
- 出版日期:[2020]
- ISBN:9781452181547
- 所属馆:
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- [图书] Current diagnosis 3 /
- 作者:ed. by Howard F. Conn [and] Rex B. Conn.
- 出版社:Saunders,
- 出版日期:[?1971]
- ISBN:0721626726
- 所属馆:
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- [图书] Down the garden path /
- 作者:by Beverley Nichols ; [with decorations by Rex Whistler].
- 出版社:Jonathan Cape,
- 出版日期:1932.
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