- [图书] Oiseaux = 鸟
- 作者:Gerner, Jochen (1970-....)
- 出版社:Ed. B42
- 出版日期:2021
- ISBN:9782490077502
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- [图书] Red detachment of women :
- 作者:rev. collectively by the China Ballet Troupe (May 1970 script).
- 出版社:Foreign Languages Press,
- 出版日期:1972.
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- [图书] Shachiapang :
- 作者:Rev. collectively by the Peking opera troupe of Peking (May 1970 script).
- 出版社:Foreign Languages Press,
- 出版日期:1972.
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- [图书] Kommunisten sollten die Fortgeschrittenen des Proletariats sein :
- 作者:Leitartikel der Renmin Ribao, der Zeitschrift Hongqi u.d. Jiefangjun Bao (1. Juli 1970).
- 出版社:[s.n.],
- 出版日期:1970.
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- [图书] Extremum and variational principles in mechanics /
- 作者:Horst Lippmann ; course held at the Department of General Mechanics, September-October, 1970.
- 出版社:Springer Verlag,
- 出版日期:1972.
- ISBN:321181115X
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- [图书] Advances in physical and biological radiation detectors /
- 作者:Proceedings of a symposium ... held by the International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna, 23-27 Nov. 1970.
- 出版社:International Atomic Energy Agency,
- 出版日期:1971.
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- [图书] Leninism or social-imperialism? :
- 作者:by the Editorial Departments of Renmin Ribao (People's Daily), Hongqi (Red Flag) and Jiefangjun Bao (Liberation Army Daily) (April 22, 1970).
- 出版社:[s.n.],
- 出版日期:1970.
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- [图书] Finite Elemente in der Statik :
- 作者:Vortr?ge von einem Kolloquium in Stuttgart [27.-28. April 1970] übersiche über Anwenderprogramme ; Hrsg. von Karl Ernst Buck [et al.]
- 出版社:Verlag von W. Ernst adn Sohn,
- 出版日期:1973.
- ISBN:3433005672
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- [图书] Determination of chemical composition;Its application in process control;proceedings /
- 作者:organized by the Iron and Steel Institute and the Chemical analysis Committee of Bisra - the Corporate Laboratories of BSC, held in Brighton on 28-30 September 1970.
- 出版社:Iron and Steel Institute,
- 出版日期:1971.
- ISBN:090049722X
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- [图书] 棉纺织工人棉尘暴露对肺功能影响的研究
- 作者:石晶
- 出版社:社会科学文献出版社·城市和绿色发展分社
- 出版日期:2023.06
- ISBN:978-7-5228-1880-1
- 内容简介:本书在对447名棉纺织工人进行25年的跟踪研究后发现内毒素暴露与工人肺功能改变之间存在5-10年的滞后效应,在工人彻底停止接触棉尘(暴露停止)后,棉尘对其肺功能仍有影响,暴露停止的...
- 丛书名:中国劳动关系学院学术论丛
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- [图书] 北宋往事
- 作者:石晶著
- 出版社:中国文史出版社
- 出版日期:2018
- ISBN:978-7-5034-9426-0
- 内容简介:本书取材于明代史学家陈邦瞻《宋史纪事本末》,精择其中重要篇章,以北宋内政外交为主线,对北宋史事进行了一次系统的总结,将北宋的建立与巩固,与辽、夏的关系,寻求变革的历程,以及最终的腐...
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