作者:sponsored by ACM Special Group on Microprogramming, IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Microprogramming, and Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
作者:edited by G.J. Lipovski, S.A. Szygenda[ ; co-sponsors: ACM SIGARCH, Center for Informatics Research, University of Florida, Computer Society of the IEEE].
出版社:Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers,
作者:organized by the European chapters of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), with the support of the European Cooperation in Informatics (E.C.I.) ; edited by E. Morlet and D. Ribbens.
出版社:North-Holland Pub. Co. ;/Sole distributors for the U.S.A. and Canada, American Elsevier Pub. Co.,
sponsored by ACM Special Group on Microprogramming, IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Microprogramming, and Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
edited by G.J. Lipovski, S.A. Szygenda[ ; co-sponsors: ACM SIGARCH, Center for Informatics Research, University of Florida, Computer Society of the IEEE].
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers,
organized by the European chapters of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), with the support of the European Cooperation in Informatics (E.C.I.) ; edited by E. Morlet and D. Ribbens.
North-Holland Pub. Co. ;/Sole distributors for the U.S.A. and Canada, American Elsevier Pub. Co.,