作者:edited by Henry W. Rauch and Eberhard Werner ; sponsors, West Virginia Geological and Economic Survey and the Department of Geology and Geography of West Virginia University.
作者:H.D.B. Wilson, editor ; sponsored by the Society of Economic Geologists [and] the Economic Geology Publishing Co. ; organizing committee, G. Kullerud [and others]
作者:sponsored by the Geotechnical Engineering Division of ASCE through its Committees on Embankment Dams & Slopes, Engineering Geology, Grouting, Rock Mechanics, Colorado Section of ASCE in cooperation with the University of Colorado, Dept. of Civil & Environ
edited by Henry W. Rauch and Eberhard Werner ; sponsors, West Virginia Geological and Economic Survey and the Department of Geology and Geography of West Virginia University.
H.D.B. Wilson, editor ; sponsored by the Society of Economic Geologists [and] the Economic Geology Publishing Co. ; organizing committee, G. Kullerud [and others]
sponsored by the Geotechnical Engineering Division of ASCE through its Committees on Embankment Dams & Slopes, Engineering Geology, Grouting, Rock Mechanics, Colorado Section of ASCE in cooperation with the University of Colorado, Dept. of Civil & Environ