作者:edited by G.J. Lipovski, S.A. Szygenda[ ; co-sponsors: ACM SIGARCH, Center for Informatics Research, University of Florida, Computer Society of the IEEE].
出版社:Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers,
作者:edited by Boye Ahlborn, Abraham Hertzberg, David Russell ; [sponsored by Air Force Office of Scientific Research, co-sponsors, NASA, Ames Research Center ... [et al].
作者:sponsored by Hydraulics Division of the American Society of Civil Engineers, cosponsors, Texas A & M University, Department of Civil Engineering, Office of Continuing Education, Texas Section, ASCE, Brazos Branch.
作者:editors, Stephen J. Marley, Wesley F. Buchele ; conference sponsors, International Association on Mechanization of Field Experiments (IAMFE) Aas, Norway, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa ; co-sponsors, American Society of Agricultural Engineers, American
edited by G.J. Lipovski, S.A. Szygenda[ ; co-sponsors: ACM SIGARCH, Center for Informatics Research, University of Florida, Computer Society of the IEEE].
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers,
edited by Boye Ahlborn, Abraham Hertzberg, David Russell ; [sponsored by Air Force Office of Scientific Research, co-sponsors, NASA, Ames Research Center ... [et al].
sponsored by Hydraulics Division of the American Society of Civil Engineers, cosponsors, Texas A & M University, Department of Civil Engineering, Office of Continuing Education, Texas Section, ASCE, Brazos Branch.
editors, Stephen J. Marley, Wesley F. Buchele ; conference sponsors, International Association on Mechanization of Field Experiments (IAMFE) Aas, Norway, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa ; co-sponsors, American Society of Agricultural Engineers, American