- [图书] Computer science & technology : = Computer software management, a primer for project management and quality control
- 作者:Dennis W. Fife ; Systems and Software Division.
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- [图书] Pest control :
- 作者:Environmental Studies Board, National Research Council.
- ISBN:0309024099
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- [图书] Control and dynamic systems :
- 作者:edited by C.T. Leondes.
- 出版社:Academic Press.
- ISBN:0120127148
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- [图书] How to control it .
- 出版社:[publisher not identified]
- 出版日期:19--
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- [图书] Foundry environmental control.
- 出版社:s.n.],
- 出版日期:n.d.
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- [图书] Automatic and remote control :
- 作者:editor J.F. Coales ; co-editors J.R. Ragazzini, A.T. Fuller.
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- 作者:著
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- [图书] Control of welding distortion.
- 出版社:The Institute of Welding.
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- [图书] Advances in connctor technology.
- 出版社:s.n.]
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- ISBN:0-?
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- [图书] Spacecraft thermal control technologies
- 作者:Jianyin Miao[等编著]
- 出版社:北京理工大学出版社有限责任公司
- 出版日期:2020
- ISBN:978-7-5682-9010-4
- 内容简介:本书系统梳理、凝练了航天器热控制技术总体设计和分系统设计两个方面的,由中国空间技术研究院第一线专家领衔编著,全面展示了以苗建印研究员为主的团队年来所取得的创新成果。本书强调航天器热...
- 丛书名:空间技术与科学研究丛书
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- [图书] Heat Pump Technology
- 出版社:[?]
- 出版日期:[?]
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- [图书] Catching technological waves
- 作者:United Nations Conference on Trade and Development.
- ISBN:9789211130126
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- [图书] Conference on elastoplastics technology /
- 作者:sponsored by Elastoplastics Division of the Society of the Plastics Industry, Inc. ; in conjuction with the Institute of Applied Chemistry and Physics and the College of Engineering, Wayne State University.
- 出版社:s.n.]
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