作者:sponsored by ASTM Committee D-22 on Methods of Sampling and Analysis of Atmospheres and Committee D-19 on Water, American Society for Testing and Materials, Johnson, Vt., 9-14 July 1978 ; J.J. Kelly, editor.
作者:sponsors: The Harvard Air Cleaning Laboratory, Harvard University, Divis[i]on of Occupational Safety, Division of Waste Management and Transportation, U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, Oak Ridge National Laboratory ; editor, Melvin W. First.
sponsored by ASTM Committee D-22 on Methods of Sampling and Analysis of Atmospheres and Committee D-19 on Water, American Society for Testing and Materials, Johnson, Vt., 9-14 July 1978 ; J.J. Kelly, editor.
sponsors: The Harvard Air Cleaning Laboratory, Harvard University, Divis[i]on of Occupational Safety, Division of Waste Management and Transportation, U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, Oak Ridge National Laboratory ; editor, Melvin W. First.