- [图书] Y todo porque un insecto hizo ?achís!
- 作者:Rosetta Stone;ilustraciones de Michael Frith/traducción de Georgina Lázaro
- 出版社:Beginner Books, una divisio?n de Random House
- 出版日期:2021
- ISBN:9781984831040
- 内容简介:The mere sneeze of a bug triggers a chain reaction involving, among others, cows, turtles,...
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- [图书] We laugh alike Juntos nos re?-mos a story that's part English, part Spanish, and a whole lot of fun
- 作者:Carmen T. Bernier-Grand
- 出版社:Charlesbridge
- 出版日期:2021
- ISBN:9781623540968
- 内容简介:Six children are at the park, one group speaks only English and the other only Spanish, bu...
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- [图书] Sombrero azul, sombrero verde (el libro de iUUPS!)
- 作者:de Sandra Boynton
- 出版社:Simon & Schuster Libros para Ni?os
- 出版日期:2021
- ISBN:9781534496651
- 内容简介:Los personajes de animales divertidos presentan los colores b sicos y las prendas familia...
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- [图书] ?Dientes y más dientes!
- 作者:Dr. Seuss escrito como Theo. LeSieg;ilustraciones de Joe Mathieu/traducción de Georgina Lázaro
- 出版社:Random House
- 出版日期:2021
- ISBN:9781984831286
- 内容简介:Rhyming text and ill. briefly point out what animals have teeth, their uses, and how to ca...
- 丛书名:Bright & early book
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- [图书] Canta conmigo la historia de Selena Quintanilla
- 作者:por Diana López ; traducción por Carmen Taffola ; ilustrado por Teresa Martínez
- 出版社:Dial Books for Young Readers
- 出版日期:[2021]
- ISBN:9780593323304
- 内容简介:"A picture book biography celebrating the life and legacy of Selena Quintanilla, one of th...
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- [图书] Ratonauta basado en una historia (parcialmente) real
- 作者:Astronauta Mark Kelly;ilustrado por C. F. Payne/traduccio?n de Alexis Romay
- 出版社:Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers
- 出版日期:2021
- ISBN:9781534488274
- 内容简介:A small but plucky mouse named Mike is sure that he can help the Space Shuttle astronauts,...
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- [图书] ?Hoy no me voy a levantar!
- 作者:Dr. Seuss;ilustraciones de James Stevenson/traducción de Georgina Lázaro
- 出版社:Beginner Books
- 出版日期:2021
- ISBN:9781984831095
- 内容简介:"A boy is so sleepy that he vows nothing will get him out of bed, neither peas and beans n...
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- [图书] No se permiten elefantes
- 作者:escrito por Lisa Mantchev;ilustrado por Taeeun Yoo/traducción de Alexis Romay
- 出版社:Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers
- 出版日期:2021
- ISBN:9781534488212
- 内容简介:A boy is excluded from joining his friends' pet club because of his unusual pet.
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- [图书] 500 English-Spanish words
- 作者:illustrated by Charly Lane
- 出版社:Scholastic Inc.
- 出版日期:2019
- ISBN:9781338593150
- 内容简介:A charming photographic and illustrated book to help children link words and objects and i...
- 丛书名:Scholastic first steps
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- [图书] 500 palabras nuevas para ti
- 作者:illustrated by Kristin Kest.
- 出版社:Random House,
- 出版日期:[2005]
- ISBN:9780375833083
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- [图书] Abran paso a los patitos
- 作者:Robert McCloskey ; traduccion de Osvaldo Blanco.
- 出版社:Puffin Books,
- 出版日期:1997.
- ISBN:9780140561821
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